Based on the Kingdom's Vision 2030 towards a brighter and more developed future in all fields and the formation of a new roadmap that rivals the major countries of the world to achieve their ambitions and maximize their capabilities, to implement unprecedented reforms in various fields (commercial - industrial - medical - service ... etc.) that included both the public and private sectors to created new investment opportunities and increased participation locally and globally that include many successive achievements. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently become the focus of investors in many countries’ wide world, which aims to diversify the sources of the country's economy and enhance its position as a major hub in the business world in the Middle East, which has motivated many investors to take a serious and effective step towards establishing companies and opening branches in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Accordingly, our company Saudi Leading Business Co./STAR provides not only company establishment services in Saudi Arabia, but also provides many supported services for investors to develop their businesses within the Kingdom and facilitate the trip of development and the required full support after establishment, according to our extensive experience and widespread public relations, whether in the Saudi market in particular or GCC (Gulf) in general.
Accordingly, our company Saudi Leading Business Co./STAR ليس بتقديم خدمات تأسيس الشركات بالسعودية فحسب، بل القيام بالعديد من الخدمات المساندة للمستثمرين لتطوير أعمالهم داخل المملكة وتسهيل عجلة التنمية والدعم الكامل المطلوب بعد التأسيس، وذلك بفضل خبرتنا الواسعة والعلاقات العامة واسعة الانتشار سواء في السوق السعودي بشكل خاص أو الخليجي بشكل عام.
Types of legal form of companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Limited Liability Company
One-Person Company in Saudi Arabia
Joint Stock Company
Professional Joint Stock Company
Establishing a Branch of a Foreign Company in Saudi Arabi
Types of licenses granted to investors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Service license
Industrial license
Commercial license
Professional license
Steps to establish companies in Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia
☑Determine the type of company activity, the value of the capital, and the partners.
☑Determine the legal form of the company.
☑The company reserves the trade name for the company
☑Drafting the articles of association
☑Drafting the articles of association
☑Issuing the approved national address
☑Activating all necessary subscriptions for platforms related to the concerned entities.
☑Issuing and activating the National Address (Wasel).
☑Issuing a visa and residence permit for the General Manager and Chairman of the Board.
☑Opening the company's bank account.
☑Issuing and activating the National Address (Wasel).
With our company's full commitment to providing a permanent employee for any free consultations during the establishment period, we ensure continuous communication and response to any inquiries related to the establishment procedures. We will also work to overcome any obstacles that clients may face to activate the operations of the company to be established within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in accordance with the approved and specified timeline outlined in the agreement with the investors regarding this matter.